Budtender Diaries: Terpenes, trichomes and THC percentages…oh my!

The misconception surrounding THC percentages dominates the cannabis market, limiting the true benefits of the plant.

Everyone who consumes cannabis has a different relationship with the plant; as it is something deeply personal. I’ve spent the last two years working at a dispensary, where I was quickly introduced to the hodgepodge of preferences that exist when it comes to consuming cannabis. But really, it all boils down to the same thing. Needing some type of relief.

Everyone’s in pain, nobody can sleep and we’re all brimming with anxiety.

Naturally, people tend to think that the higher the potency the better the high will be. This can seem like the safest way to shop, ask for whatever flower is testing the highest and no regrets will be had. And in an environment where you’re surrounded by an absolute smorgasbord of products, it can be hard to decide.

But evaluating a flower strain from its percentage alone is akin to judging a book by the cover. As the legalization of cannabis has opened the doors for research regarding the science between us and the plant, multiple studies have revealed that higher testing flower does not necessarily dictate the quality of a high. In fact, a 2020 study from the University of Colorado found that THC levels do not necessarily correlate with intoxication levels. So, while numbers might determine the THC levels in a particular strain, they do not necessarily equate with how effective the strain is.

Yet, there’s little love for the strains that don’t test higher than 20%. When I’m at work, I’ll feel a weird twinge of guilt, sorry that instead of a magical strain that tests at 30%, all I have to offer is a spiel about terpenes and cannabinoids. But it’s a pretty great spiel.

There are hundreds of known cannabinoids, such as THC, CBD and CBN. THC is really only one component that makes up the scope of what gets you “high.” While THC is a major cannabinoid responsible in producing some psychoactive effects, the heart of a good high is found in a perfect concoction of terpenes and cannabinoids that begin to form in the trichomes of the bud. Ever notice that frosted layer of crystals on a bud? That’s where it all begins.

The systemic ways in which our bodies react to cannabis is a symphony of science. First, there’s the endocannabinoid system, a network of receptors housed throughout the brain and body that react to THC and other cannabinoids in a variety of ways. They can relieve pain, make you sleepy, or improve your overall mood.

This, simply put, is getting stoned.

Then there are the aromatic compounds known as terpenes, which help define the characteristics of a particular strain. Do you prefer something earthy and pungent? That’s myrcene. Or maybe something citrusy and tart? That would be limonene. Together, terpenes and cannabinoids work together to create the entourage effect; a biological harmony of cannabinoids and terpenes that produce the desired effects of cannabis-euphoria, relaxation, pain relief, and so on.

Building an understanding with what terpenes you enjoy the most holds the key to finding the perfect strain. In another moment of fascinating synergy, different terpenes have been associated with different kinds of relief. Strains high in terpenes such as myrcene and caryophyllene can be helpful in treating insomnia and chronic pain. Strains that contain limonene may be beneficial in treating stress and anxiety.

So, it’s not all about numbers. If you tell your budtender that you’re looking for a strain dominant in specific terpenes or cannabinoids, they can do their best to find what might be right for you. And that’s what we’re here for. To answer any questions. It’s a cliche, but there are truly no stupid questions.

And OK, I won’t lie. Recommending strains to people is always a little nerve-wracking. I don’t want to sell you something that will ruin your day. So, I’ll leave you with the little disclaimer I like to give at work: No effect is truly guaranteed when it comes to medicating with cannabis. Everybody is different, and there is a lot of trial and error. Albeit fun trial and error.

Happy strain hunting!

Dealer’s choice

This week’s indica: Tangerine kush is a bouquet rich in myrcene and limonene. Tangerine kush is a bold and citrusy delight, perfect for enjoying those Tucson sunsets. Soak up those lazy afternoons with the happy and relaxed high that this strain has to offer. Tangerine kush can be beneficial in helping insomnia, chronic pain and appetite.

This week’s hybrid: Gelato is a heavenly balance of energy and euphoria. Peaceful but giggly, Gelato gifts you with a high that blends the best of both worlds.

This week’s sativa: Lemon meringue is a zesty and energetic choice, perfect for stimulating a creative flow. Lean into the things you need to get done with the focused high of this strain. Lemon meringue can also help treat headaches, fatigue and depression.

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